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Unified Remote for Windows

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Control your computer from your mobile phone.

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Unified Remote is a software that lets you use your mobile phone (Android, iOS, or Windows Phone) to control every aspect of your computer: from handling your keyboard and mouse to managing files on your hard drive.

What stands out the most about Unified Remote is that, unlike other similar programs, it has a brilliant interface. You don't have to set up a single thing: you just install the program on your hard drive (or use the portable version), run the app on your phone, and that's it.

The features in Unified Remote include the ability to set up a password to control your computer as well as allow the program to be used by Bluetooth devices (especially useful with laptops).

Unified Remote is an excellent remote control program that particularly stands out for its simplicity. That said, this program is just the server. To use it correctly you need to have installed the mobile version on your phone as well (which is also available on Uptodown).

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Technical information

Unified Remote for Windows Latest VersionLatest VersionUnified Remote
Unified Remote for Windows LicenseLicenseFree
Unified Remote for Windows Operating SystemOp. SystemWindows
Unified Remote for Windows CategoryCategoryRemote Control
Unified Remote for Windows DownloadsDownloads


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Unified Remote for Windows Date PublishedDate PublishedAug 31st, 2024
Unified Remote for Windows LanguageLanguageEnglish
Unified Remote for Windows ViewsViews


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Unified Remote for Windows AuthorAuthor Unified Intents | (1) Programs
Unified Remote for Windows Last ModifiedLast ModifiedAug 31st, 2024
Unified Remote for Windows ReviewsReviews0
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